Entries by ampmpr

A Song of Ice and Fire and Apple TV

I’ve also thoroughly enjoyed the TV series based on the books, HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” I’ve enjoyed it so much that the unavailability of the second season was the final straw that broke my will and sent me on a quest that ended in me attaining Apple TV.

Rising above the Dark Knight tragedy

After midnight today in Colorado, a pathetic real-life example of that darkness turned sour, senseless and violent, walked into a theater during a screening of Dark Knight and killed 12 people and injured more than 70.

Exclamation decimation: The fine art of punkedyouwayshun

“If you just use one exclamation mark, nobody even notices. It’s like you’re just kind of excited. But if you use three exclamation marks, then it’s like you’re really excited. If you use even more, like eleven exclamation marks, then you’re really, really excited.”