As writers, communicators, readers, editors, and creatives, we find inspiration in a lot of different areas. Good books and awesome music included. Are you curious about what our team is listening to and reading this summer? Here are our picks.
Pat – AM:PM PR Co-founder:
“I’m currently re-reading I’m Right and You’re an Idiot, by James Hoggan. He’s a friend and great PR pro who’s written several books. But this one is my favorite. It’s now in its second edition, but the first edition came out in early 2016. The book’s subtitle, The toxic state of public discourse and how to clean it up, shows how well-timed the topic was. In a series of interviews with communications leaders and theoreticians, the book outlines the challenge and urgent need to drain the poison from our civic debate.
When I actually listen to music and not just use it for background noise, it’s usually showtunes. Hamilton is a favorite. So are Les Misérables and Wicked. But my intentional listening is more frequently to podcasts. Favorites: The Daily, On the Media, Post Reports, Sci Fri, Radiolab, This American Life.”
Allison – AM:PM PR Co-founder:
“Becoming by Michelle Obama, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Beastie Boys Book are a few of my favorite books.
My daughter controls the stereo whenever she’s in the car, so it’s a lot of Billie Eilish, Cardi B and, Childish Gambino and John Denver is what we listen to. I like a mix of things, depending on what I’m doing. But pretty much anything by Headphone Activist. I also love the song ‘Sunflower’ by Post Malone…I just wish it was longer. And, finally, I’ve been re-listening to this at least once a day every day lately: ‘Help One Another,’ a mixtape.”
Sophie – Intern at AM:PM PR:
“I’m reading two books right now. The first is called The Last of the Stanfields by Marc Levy. It’s a drama/mystery. The other book is I Hate Myself and Want to Die by Tom Reynolds, which is about ‘the 52 most depressing songs you’ve ever heard.’
I’m really into the new album by Clairo, Immunity. That’s been on repeat for the past few days. In addition, I discovered an artist called Jealous of the Birds a few weeks ago, and I’ve been listening to her stuff non-stop. Yesterday, I listened to most of The Cure’s discography all day. I’m all over the place with my music.”
Connor – Intern at 7/Apps:
“I’ve been listening to a lot of Father John Misty & Doctor Dog lately. It reminds me of when I first started working at 7/Apps, because I actually discovered Father John Misty on the car ride over!”
What are your Summer 2019 picks? Tweet us!