PR Tip – A thesis on the art of crafting a bylined article
Have you ever wondered about bylined articles? Well, wonder no more. I’m here to share my vast knowledge with you.
Bylined articles can be quite the handy public relations tool if you’re ready to try your hand and want to expand your reach. It’s also a tactic that’s as old as time. In fact, the top ten list on Moses’ Commandments was practically a bylined article sent directly from the heavens.
What are some more “contemporary” byline examples?
Most magazines and online publications (Huffington Post, Mashable, Entrepreneur, Inc., etc) use contributing writers to publish the level of content expected in today’s 24 hour news cycle.
A few of our clients’ bylined articles:
What is a bylined article, anyway?
A bylined article is an article that an entrepreneur, business leader or expert will write, often similar to an op-ed in format, intended for a specific target publication and target audience. If you have some helpful industry-related insight or an interesting perspective on current hot topic you are well-positioned to contribute an article.
What are the benefits of a good bylined article?
Getting an article published can:
– Demonstrate your expertise and thought leadership;
– Build your reputation;
– Expand your reach and grow your audience;
– Draw traffic via valuable links to your own website to improve your site’s rank; and
– Successfully spread your message or increase interest in your product or services.
What are some tips for writing effective bylined articles?
Write about what you know. Don’t stretch the limits of your creativity, write about something directly relevant to your experience or work. This will make your job easier and will help retain the interest of your target audience.
Research your target publications. Spend some time reviewing bylined articles articles to get a feel for the typical voice or format of a specific publication. Most sites also offer specific instructions for submissions including word count, accepted image file sizes, rules for hyperlinks and product sourcing.
Know your target audience. What media do your target audiences consume? Which have the most influence on your audiences? Target those publications and direct your writing at the specific audiences of those sites.
Make it timely. Many bylined articles are successful because the author is able to demonstrate knowledge or expertise on a given subject area. Often overlooked is the timeliness or newsworthy element. If you can tie your piece into a specific date, anniversary or current news event you’ll increase your chances for success.